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I couldn’t update to Paratext 9.0.64. I get this error message. Any solution?
This is the screenshot.

Paratext by (162 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

I’m not sure what the issue is. Somehow the Installer thinks that there is another (older) version of Paratext [in the background]. You can try using Alt+Ctr+Del to bring up the Task Manager and look for any other instances of Paratext (and select them and use the End Task button to kill that process). If none are found, then I’m not sure what else you can try.
I have had 3 other people experience the same issue in recent weeks (with 9.0.63.x as well) but haven’t got a solution yet. Hopefully the Developers can shed some light on what might be happening and give us an idea on how to solve it.

by (2.7k points)

I tried that several times. It does install when I restart the
computer but after I shut down and open the Paratext again, it
asks for installing the update.


We have received reports about Paratext hanging sometimes when it is closing, but we haven’t received enough information to determine the cause.

There is a program called ParatextForceShutdown in the Paratext program folder - if you run this, an attempt will be made to get some information about what is causing the problem. So far, it seems to be hung is a way that this program can’t get any information, but it’s worth a try.


I’ve had this issue numerous time in earlier upgrades of 9 beta. I always had to delete paratext.exe from processes, even though it seems to be the installer that initiated that process.

Unhandled Exception: Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime.ClrDiagnosticsException: Could not attach to pid 3B1C, HRESULT: 0x80070005
at Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime.DbgEngDataReader…ctor(Int32 pid, AttachFlag flags, UInt32 msecTimeout)
at Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime.DataTarget.AttachToProcess(Int32 pid, UInt32 msecTimeout, AttachFlag attachFlag)
at SendProblemReport.MainClass.ForceShutdown(Int32 pid, TrackerDetailsManager trackerManager)
at ParatextForceShutdown.Program.Main()

This is what I got when I tried forcesutdown.exe.

This error is caused by the “force shutdown” program not being able to get any information from Paratext.

This is what we have seen before - so we’ll have to continue to wait to see if we can have the problem happen at time we can get better information.


0 votes

Do I assume correctly that the 9.0.64 version is a beta that is not available for download to the ‘normal’ user ?
Secondly, this morning, my paratext started ‘updating’, but the download took quite a while until I stopped the process. On the website with the p9 downloads there is only the big install file and not the usual smaller patch updates. Will this be the way updates are presented from now on ? 260 MB is not a small update download on a 2G/3G metered connection, so if possible, I would appreciate an email announcing the update so that I can do a one-time download of the offline installer and install all project computers manually.
Thanks a lot. BTW, the great new Biblical Terms module feature alone has meant that we stared using p9 from the first announcement. Wonderfull new feature.

by (322 points)

The large files are what we call “bases” and are released when the 3rd number in the version changes. Unlike patches which only contain what changed, bases contain everything. It’s like reinstalling Paratext. We create new base installers when we can’t use a patch to send the changes (for whatever reason). You should only use a Paratext Alpha or Beta if you have access to a good internet connection so you can get the large updates (which are much more common in the Alpha/Beta period).

Once we do a full release, we try to make sure that we only release patches and don’t release base installers since we know that a lot of users don’t have good internet.

Shift-click on the main PT9 menu opens a somewhat extended menu, which also includes (in the first column) a submenu “Support and Development”. This in turn contains an item “Release stage” which can be set to “Pre-release”. However, even when I selected that, PT didn’t download version 9.0.64 (not even after clicking “Check for updates”). Well, I guess we just need a bit of patience.


Which version of 9.0 are you using? You need or newer to be able to get it automatically after switching to be on pre-release updates.

0 votes

Could you send in a problem report (Help > Give feedback) after you check for updates so we can figure out what’s going on?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Done. Thank you for looking into this. It’s no problem if 9.0.64 comes later of course, but I am curious if some of the bugs have been fixed.

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