0 votes

Start at reference A, go to reference B in a different chapter / book. Click the ‘Back’ button to return to reference A. Reference A appears in the Book | Chapter | Verse boxes in the toolbar, and the cursor returns to reference A, but reference A /never/ appears as part of the visible text in my project window–it always shows text /near to/ reference A, but never the reference itself… (reference A is usually off the top of the project window and out of view). Am I the only one who sees this behaviour? Is there any way to correct it?

Paratext by (609 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

It should scroll the \v corresponding to the verse of the reference back into view. It should be the same thing that happens when selecting the Book | Chapter | Verse in the toolbar. Do you get the same problem when using that?

Also, what version of Paratext are you using?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

When I use the Book | Chapter | Verse tool, it does not always scroll to the selected verse either–again, it ‘overshoots’ (i.e., the target verse is sometimes off the top of the screen).

I’m using version

I was unable to reproduce your problem. Could you attach a screenshot to show your Paratext windows? Your windows might be interacting with each other to produce unwanted behavior.

If you can, you might consider trying Paratext 7.6. There have been a bunch of bug fixes on 7.6 and it might have been fixed already.

Here’s a screenshot:

All windows are at Gn. 41:9 except the vernacular project window (upper right). It’s at Gn. 41:11…

I tried 7.6 once, but went back to 7.5 (can’t remember why…) I’ve seen a few people into problems with Notes disappearing in 7.6 recently, so I’m quite hesitant to go with the beta right now.


0 votes

Yes, I have this all the time with 11 windows open on Paratext on a Win-XP virtual machine. I just got used to having to
scroll. I get the same when I double-click a find result from the
list – the selected text often isn’t visible because it’s off the
top of the window.


On 17/11/15 07:44, Paul wrote:


November 16

Start at reference A, go to reference B in a different chapter / book. Click the 'Back' button to return to reference A. Reference A appears in the Book | Chapter | Verse boxes in the toolbar, and the cursor returns to reference A, but reference A /never/ appears as part of the visible text in my project window--it always shows text /near to/ reference A, but never the reference itself... (reference A is usually off the top of the project window and out of view). Am I the only one who sees this behaviour? Is there any way to correct it?

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by (106 points)

Just seeing anon110139’s reference to WinXP and virtual machines; I should add that I’m using Win7 on a ‘real’ machine. For what it’s worth,


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