+1 vote

Sometimes, it’s easier for me to edit the files in another file text editor. For instance, I open C:\My Paratext 9 Projects\FOOBAR\41MATFOOBAR.SFM in a text editor, edit and save it.

Is there a button in Paratext to refresh the file once it’s been edited like this? Paratext doesn’t seem to detect if the file has been changed in another text editor.

If this is a bad idea, let me know.

Paratext by (440 points)

4 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

I agree with what others have said that you shouldn’t normally be editing files outside of Paratext (especially when it is still open), BUT having said that, there are certain situations where doing so is safe, and desired; provided of course that you know what you are doing.
The fastest way to refresh the text is to change chapters (so either click forward a chapter and then back again or just use the shortcut keys: F8 and Ctrl-F8). This immediately updates the text that you’re looking at from what has been updated/changed behind Paratext’s back!

by (2.4k points)
+1 vote

You should always close Paratext before making edits to the files in the project folder. When you open Paratext those changes should be applied.

by (8.0k points)
0 votes

Just to reiterate what @anon848905 said, Paratext does not have the capability to reload the files from disk while it’s .

However, it could theoretically do it by treating it like the user just did a S/R and reload everything, so you can send in a feature request. :grin:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

That’s good to know.

Honestly, my use-case is not that compelling, so I don’t mind if Paratext doesn’t have this feature. I was just asking in case there is a refresh button I wasn’t aware of.

by (440 points)

I have edited .sfm files while PT is open, though I try to remember not to. I just tested it in 9.2, making a change with Notepad and saving the file. Returning to PT I did not see the change, but I switched to a different Bible book in my project, then switched back to the book whose .sfm I had changed. At that point the change appeared in PT. A not-too-complicated way to make PT reload the book from the disk file. - I tried it again, and it seems all you need to do to get PT to refresh is go to another chapter and back, assuming your are using the chapter at a time view.

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Acts 2:46-47
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