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Dear Support team
I wanted to insert Parallel Passage References in Paratext8 from a model project or from an existing file. I can see there is an option to insert cross reference in Tools Menu. Is there a work around to insert Parallel Passage references?
I want the reference to convert into short name of Scripture Reference settings. Please help.

NB: I have seen the similar message was posted in 2015 but not updated answers. So I create a new topic. thanks for understanding.

Paratext by (327 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Hi binoy,

One of our (secret) PT8 Checking Tools does exactly this task for you. (You’ll just need to manually provide the names for the destination project books, typically MAT-ACT & 1CO, as this tool does not yet read the book names from the BookNames.xml file.)

You’ll find instructions and a download link in the “Transferring Parallel Passage References Between Projects” topic in the Indic Typesetting doc.

by (286 points)
0 votes


There is no tool for importing a set of parallel passage references (i.e. those using the \r…\r* markers). There is a tool for importing a standard set of cross-reference markers (those using the \xt…\xt* markers.) Basing a project on a model text will insert the \r…\r* markers in the text is the same places that they occur in model text, but the content following the markers are not copied over.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

Hi binoy,
I do have a way of doing this, but it involves a spreadsheet, some manual work to align 2 lists, and a generated CC table to insert the localized \r markers.

Contact me offline if you want the details.


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