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This error is received on every attempt to open. It was fine yesterday.
Windows 7 x64, Latest PT8 (v69)

I held SHIFT to reset settings while starting PT8, no change.
I did repair on PT8 via Control Panel, no change.
I uninstalled PT8 (left settings) and reinstalled no change.
I scanned and removed a few malware, no change.

I don’t see the typical signs of disk corruption (in event log), but my next step is to run sfc.

Any other ideas?

Paratext by (1.2k points)

4 Answers

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Best answer

The user does not use Flex, but an old version (v8.1) was installed. Uninstalling it fixed the problem.

This may be a pain for me, I think there are several partner laptops (10-15) out there with the older v8.1 Flex installed. They do not use Flex, but they use Paratext 8 everyday.

by (1.2k points)
0 votes

Most likely you need to upgrade Fieldworks to at least 8.3.


by (144 points)
0 votes

Just a reminder that the Paratext or higher update should fix this issue.

by (8.1k points)
0 votes

In case someone comes to this thread first, here is a link to the thread with the 100.70 download.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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