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Win10, PT8 build 67

A local PT8 consultant could not insert consultant notes and the Source Language resource was not available.

I tried a SHIFT-Startup on PT8 to reset setting, but no change.

So I did complete uninstall and reinstall and both issues went away.

System is fairly new, and wasn’t having any other issues. No crashes, etc.

Paratext by (1.2k points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

I think this is the same issue that I was noticing, which has been resolved in build 68 (which is still only available in early release stage I think).
Am I correct in understanding that when creating a Consultant notes project, you get an error that the source language resource isn’t available?
A workaround (until version 68 is available) is to name the project, after which the error will pop up. Then re-select the project type, and the error should go away.

by (418 points)


The Insert Consult. Note menu item was greyed out.

The Source Language toolbar icon was greyed out.

0 votes

Have you checked what type of Paratext 8 registration he has? If his registration hasn’t been fully approved, his access to resources will be limited and his Paratext won’t function fully. Also, Resource Owners are able to specify which organizations can access their resources.

Blessings Shegnada

by (1.3k points)
0 votes

As I said above, the reinstall fixed it. No registration was changed.

by (1.2k points)
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