0 votes

I am working on an SIL OT lectionary project and am working on creating a trial Paratext resource from it.
I would like to do something like the UBS Handbook with internal links. One of the markers used is \jmp, e.g.
\jmp TEV|prj:GNT92.EXO.3.1\jmp*
Is there a way I can replicate this by putting a sprinkle of magic dust in my styles?

Paratext by (184 points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

The handbook uses the usfm_hbkeng.Aug2010.sty file. You should be able to use the jump links by copying the style from it and putting it in a custom.sty for your project:

\Marker jmp
\Name jmp - link
\Endmarker jmp*
\Description Use bold and blue font for the text within these codes
\StyleType Character
\Color 16711680

The style is not restricted for use by the handbook in the code, so it should “just work”. :yum:

EDIT: It does appear that the name of the style must end in “- link” for it to work, so I guess there is some “magic” involved. :neutral_face:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

+1 vote

Yep, that works. Took a little phutsing to understand how it parses and shows in various views. But I got what I wanted within 5 minutes. Thanks, anon291708

by (184 points)

Hmm, no way to upvote or +1 you.
How will you get the ‘Titanium Champion’ badge?

Here’s the Korean word for “1 case of diet Cheerwine”
(Oops. That’s not Korean.)

See the little heart icon at bottom left? That is how to upvote (like).

Wow! That’s subtle icon! But after looking at this page for a while I finally found it. It’s there but I looked over it many times - I’m sure it’s the grayness and not my incompetence :slight_smile: .

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