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When inserting a link with \jmp, the link includes a project or resource name.
e.g. \jmp Link name|prj:GNT92.NEH.3.1\jmp*
In this example the resource is hard coded by GNT92.

Sometimes hard coding is preferable, like a reference to something in the UBS Handbook. However, other times it makes more sense to cause a default resource open (e.g. the user’s preferred translation.)

Is there a way to set a default link resource (e.g. CEV or NLT) so that the user will jump to that version when the resource is not hard coded?

Is there a way to create a link so that the resource is pulled from the default?
e.g. \jmp Link name|NEH.3.1\jmp*

Paratext by (184 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

No, there is no way to do this, sorry. It’s currently only the project specified in the \jmp or the current project.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

I’m with you on this. I requested this feature last year: User-defined quick reference resource

by (412 points)
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