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Hi folks. I’m a long-term Paratext user, and I’ve recently been able to register as an Independent Translator to use PT 8, and as far as I know, correctly register my project. But while I now find all sorts of resources in the DBL now available, I don’t see the UBS Handbooks. I’m forced to go back to my old setup with PT 7 to be able to access this resource. Is this a bug, or some problem with my registration? Surely the Handbooks are in the DBL?

Paratext by (157 points)

5 Answers

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I guess one problem is that agreements between organizations can be straightforward, but for independents like me, the legalities are more convoluted. So this would make sense. (I’m being polite here - I won’t put down what I’m muttering under my breath :slight_smile:
Anyway it looks like I’ll have to keep switching back to my PT 7 setup when I want to see the Handbook. (muttered comments deleted…)

by (157 points)

Actually it doesn’t seem to be rocket science that a book with UBS copyright be made available to ALL bona fide translators. The BoG has already acknowledged that I’m such a person by granting me Independent Translator status. I guess the wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly… (This isn’t the first time, but I won’t go there…)

0 votes

They are there, the short name is HBKENG. It may be for some reason that your organization does not have permission. They are certainly there and available.

by (536 points)

Yes, but I don’t have access. I think the next message is the right answer.

0 votes

Currently, the resources available to Independent Translators are very limited. The Paratext Board of Governors is looking into the issue.

by (219 points)
0 votes

You will find that UBS Translator Handbooks are now available for verified Independent Translators.

This includes English, French, and Spanish resources.

by [Expert]
(273 points)


You will find that UBS Translator Handbooks are now available for
verified Independent Translators.

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Thanks all, yes, I can now access HBKENG. I guess it never hurts to speak up if there’s a problem :slight_smile:

(And I can even practice my Spanish with the Spanish version…) :wink:

by (157 points)

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