Hello listentwice,
You won’t get a log file if you are running the patch manually unless you open a command window and use a command similar to this:
msiexec /l*vx update.log /update patch_8.0.100.63.msp
Last time you had this the file causing the error was a file that the installer extracts into the temp folder and then tries to load. I don’t know what is unique about this user’s machine that causes the error.
The only thing I can think of trying is to use Process Monitor (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/procmon) and set up a filter for all actions that have a path that contains “Temp” - can’t use a specific file since it will be a random name. Then run the installer with the Process Monitor running.
I tried this on my machine, but didn’t see anything that helpful.
Paratext Support