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What patch is necessary to fix the problem that requires access to base project to use BT/Daughter/Aux?

I thought it was .12 but can only see .8 on the website.

There used to be ability to download older updates, etc. Look like it’s gone :frowning:

Thanks, listentwice

Paratext by (1.2k points)

1 Answer

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.12 is the fix but it has not been distributed to all users yet.
If you set your release stage in Paratext to “pre-release” you will get update .13 (even newer than .12) which should also solve the base project needed problem.

You can find release stage in the support and development branch of the main menu, which you can see if you hold Shift as you open the menu.

by [Expert]
(3.0k points)
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1 Corinthians 12:13
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