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i was surprised today that when I did a S/R nearly all the projects that I am an administrator on were changed, even though I had not touched them. Looking at the Recent changes log I saw they all had the same set of changes:
After update: Fix problem with duplicate discussion notes
I recently updated PT to version
I am wondering if this is a one time bug fix or something else. I am concerned about unnecessary S/Rs of projects and and avoid them as much as possible.

Paratext by (1.8k points)

1 Answer

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Yes, this is a one-time bug fix that gets automatically run when the user is an admin on a project.
Specifically, it was possible for two users on a project to create separate discussion notes for the same item at the same time and when they both did a S/R, one “disappeared”.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


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