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One of our Paratext users in Asia wrote the following:

“Here is the problem I am facing at the moment. I have not faced it until today. We are working in Psalms. I wanted to see if my co-translator made any changes since the last time I looked at a particular chapter. I usually do this by opening up “Project History” under “Project”. I click on “All versions” and then I click on the particular book. Usually that book is already in the active window. Then what shows in the box is the various dates that book was accessed and who accessed it. Also it shows what area as in “Notes” the actual text or “roles and permissions” etc. Then it is the next step I take that creates the problem. I usually click on the blue fonted book name. In this case I click on PSA which is blue fonted. Then it sends my computer into a tizzy with a notification that Paratext is not responding. I can’t get out of it until I exit Paratext. I have tried several times but have been unsuccessful.”

Has anyone else experienced this?

I have been able to duplicate it on my computer with another project. (Had to use TaskManger to quit out of Paratext.)



Paratext by (219 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Paratext does contain some changes to how windows open and it sounds like the new code is getting into a loop. This change was done to prevent a data loss problem where caused by how the contents of a Bible module was being saved in the wrong book.

I haven’t been able to reproduce this given your steps, so it must be specific to the other windows you have open.

Send me a copy of your C:\Users{userName}\AppData\Local\Paratext80\ParatextLog.log file (shut down Paratext first). It may have clues.

When Paratext does get hung, there is a tool called ParatextForceShutdown.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Paratext 8 that you can use to stop it - this will also create a file that will show what it was doing.


Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)


I received a log file that allowed me to track down the issue - at least I now have a way to reproduce it.

The problem occurs when the book you click on in project history isn’t in one of the projects in the scroll group.

I have a proposed fix, but it involves reversing another change, so I need to talk with another developer to see if I may be breaking something else.


Paratext Support

I’ve just uploaded a “pre-release” patch that should fix this problem - version is

If you aren’t getting pre-release patches, but would still like to try this, you can get the patch using this link:

I’ll send this out to everyone later in the week if I get confirmation that the problem has been fixed - the only differences between .62 and .63 is the fix for this bug and some fixes for Study Bible Additions projects.

Paratext Support

Dear John+Wickberg,

Thanks. It seems to be fixed. I tried to do exactly the same as before when
it went into a loop. and it did not do so with version 63.

Best wishes,

0 votes

Yes, I have experienced the same with version 100.62.

by (869 points)

The problem was “solved” by going back to version 100.59

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Hebrews 10:24-25
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