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We are trying to create a TDX template in Paratext for others to use. The way I currently have it formatted causes Paratext to run very slowly while working in the TDX book. Currently there are no verses and only a single chapter (I suspect
these would help but don’t know how to apply them in this context). Each passage has an \xt so that the References check can be used.

I have uploaded a backup of the project here:

Does anybody have any suggestions for speeding this up?

Thank you,



Paratext by (411 points)

1 Answer

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Unfortunately, it’s a problem to edit large books in Paratext. You can use Help > Report a problem to tell us of the performance issue, but there’s only so much we can do. The biggest help would be to add chapter numbers (e.g. put one before each section head that starts with a number).

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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Paratext Aug 23, 2018 asked by SIL LSS PNG (411 points)
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