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My Paratext syncronous scrolling with Logos recently stopped working. I have tried unselecting the option in Paratext and reselecting it, and restarting paratext and/or Logos in various orders. Anyone else experience this and discover a fix?

Paratext by (117 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

If you have not do so already, try the following:

  1. If the program you want your project to scroll with supports multiple scrolling groups, make sure the scroll group in Paratext matches the scroll group for the other program. (In Logos resources, scroll groups are called “Link Set”.)
  2. Make sure the program you want to use is set up to communicate with Paratext. For example: Translator’s Workplace Folio (TW Folio): The following buttons on the toolbar (towards the right side) must be set: “Immediately scroll to Scripture ref message”, “Receive Scripture references”, and “Send Scripture references”.
    The Biblical Analysis and Research Tool (BART): Two items from the View menu must be set: “Receive Scripture references”, and “Send Scripture references”.
  3. You might need to run the other program in compatibility mode with the operating system of your computer.
    For more information on scrolling with other programs, go to http://tiki.lingtransoft.info/Scrolling+with+other+Translation+Programs.
by [Expert]
(734 points)
0 votes

There are times the two (PT 7.5, Logos 7, Windows 7) anon421222’t scroll for me
either… When this happens, I close both, start Logos first, start PT
second, toggle PT Tools > “Scroll Scripture with any compatible
applications”, go to a random reference in Logos, and PT usually follows.
Then I can lead with either PT or Logos. It’s a bit of a hassle, but I’d
say it works 9 out of 10 times. If it doesn’t work, I reboot and follow the
same procedure. For what it’s worth…

by (620 points)

Your solution just worked for me on Paratext 9.1 and Logos 8.17.

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