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Someone reported difficulty scrolling Logos with the new Paratext 9 beta candidate, I tested it and found the scrolling does work with some caveats. (The caveats also seem to apply to Paratext 8, not just the new Paratext 9. I’m using Logos 8.)
Prerequisites: (repeating earlier posts)

  • Paratext is set to scroll with other applications. (in Paratext 8, this is in the Tools menu. In Paratext 9, you go to [top level] Paratext > Paratext settings, and check the box there to scroll with other applications).
  • Logos windows or panes are set to the desired Linkset; Paratext windows are set to the matching scroll group. (LinkSet A matches ScrollGroup A, Linkset B matches ScrollGroup B, etc.)

The caveats: 1) Logos does better following when you change the reference in Paratext, than Paratext does following Logos. When you change in Logos, Paratext sometimes follows, sometimes does not. I’d estimate Paratext does follow Logos at least half the time,

1a) Logos is not designed to scroll like Paratext scrolls. Clicking in a different verse does not change the reference in Logos. (I reported this as a bug to Logos support, they said it was not designed to do this).
Changing the reference is done in Logos by:

  • typing a new reference in the reference bar and pressing enter
  • clicking on a different chapter in the TOC column on the left side of a resource
  • scrolling with the mouse wheel in a commentary or Bible.

1b) Logos sometimes has difficulty following itself. If I have a Bible version and the passage guide open, and I scroll up or down several chapters with the mouse wheel, I can frequently get the Passage Guide some verses, or even a chapter behind the Bible. Sometimes Paratext is more accurate at following the Logos bible text than the Logos passage guide.

1c) Someone wrote that it works better if you start Logos before Paratext. I can confirm this. When I start Paratext, then start Logos and start changing the references in Logos, Paratext never follows. But I did find if I change the reference once in Paratext, then go back to Logos to change the reference, Paratext will follow Logos most of the time.

Paratext by [Expert]
(3.1k points)


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