0 votes

Is anyone else facing issues today with the Paratext 8 server being
unreachable? The main website is still up, but registry.paratext.org is
inaccessible (here in South Asia) and S/R isn’t working either.

Paratext by (2.4k points)

7 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

You should be able to connect to the Registry now, but you may need to add
a security exception in your browser. Paratext S/R will likely continue
not to work through the day; I’m afraid I can’t give you an ETA because the
people who can fix this are in Canada and have yet to wake up.

EDIT: all the issues have been fixed.

Kind regards,

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)

0 votes

Yes, registry.paratext.org hasn’t been available from Thailand for many hours.

by (144 points)
0 votes

Yes, we know of another two countries in Asia facing the same issues today, as you report Mark.

by (135 points)
0 votes

Dear anon070596/Mark

Our teams too are facing this issue. Mark, could you please send an
intimation to the BT list?


by (229 points)
0 votes

Everyone - As mentioned in this thread, this was related to an expired SSL certificate.

The outage today was preventable and should not have happened. A sincere apology for the concern or inconvenience this caused anyone. Thanks for the quick alert, Mark!


by [Expert]
(273 points)
0 votes

The PT8 S/R server seems to be unreachable since yesterday (February 25). Is there any information on when it may be up again?

by (706 points)

Yes, there is a problem, and the PT8 server people are aware that it isn’t accessible by most of us in Asia (and possibly beyond). I don’t have any more information regarding when it is likely to be back up again.

0 votes

The Paratext S/R server seems to be unreachable since yesterday (February 25) in South Asia. Does anyone have any idea when it will be up again?

by (138 points)

The PT8 server s/r issue has just been fixed (as of 2 mins ago). Please try again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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