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I received this question from a translator:

“Do you know why I am getting this error and how I can tell Paratext that I don’t want this to be flagged as an error? I imagine it is because I have a number after a quotation mark.”

A small screenshot is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13WkXHfC1jqpRPulJPJayYWR4lDuUElfs/view?usp=sharing

He’s done these already:

Checking > Character Inventory

Checking > Punctuation Inventory

Checking > Quotation Rules

Any ideas how to fix this?



[cid:[Email Removed]]

Language Technology Consultant
SIL PNG Language Resources
Ukarumpa EHP 444 | Papua New Guinea


Paratext by (411 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

This error looks like a Number check error. Make sure that the quote marks are added as valid initial for a number. When looking at the number settings you want to be careful to make sure you include the characters that can occur before a number (like ").

by (8.5k points)

I should have added, that it is usually a bad idea to use the " straight double quotes that you get by the keyboard quote key. (I can’t tell from the shared image if that is what is being used or not.) It is much better to use the smart quotes “ ” which may require setting up an AutoCorrect.txt or Keyman keyboard. This allows for checking the quotations.

There were some bugs in specifying numbers with quotes and other punctuation that I reported in November. Do you know if those have been fixed?

0 votes

I’m not sure what issues you are referring to. Checking scripture can produce all sorts of different errors. With quotation marks there are often issue when a number is first simply because Paratext is expecting a capital letter. However, in this case the issue is being reported in the way a number check would report.

by (8.5k points)
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