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Do one of the following:

  • In later versions of Windows, e.g. Windows 10, go to the Settings app and click Apps.
  • In any version up to at least Windows 10 1809, open Control PanelPrograms and Features

Then find PT7, select it, and click the Uninstall button (may be just below the program name, or just above the entire list).

You may have PT7.6 and an earlier version such as 7.5 installed simultaneously. If you wish to uninstall both, then you need to do two uninstalls.

If you have uninstalled all versions 7.x, then also find Ptw7 in the list and uninstall it (see discussion in posts #3 onwards, below).

Paratext by (1.4k points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

It seems that uninstalling PT7.5 can delete PT8 user settings.

When I uninstalled PT7.5 on a user’s computer just now, I ticked (checked) the box when asked the question whether I wanted to delete user settings. I assumed that this would only delete user settings for PT7, but in fact it wiped all the v8 settings.

Is this a bug? If not, then the description of the tick-box (checkbox) should make it clear that choosing it will delete user settings for all versions of PT (or whatever wording reflects the actual consequences).

BTW, before 7.5, I had uninstalled 7.6. I don’t think I was asked the same question during that uninstall, but I can’t be sure.

by (1.4k points)
0 votes

When uninstalling PT7.x, should we also uninstall “Ptw7 Framework”? Or is that still needed for PT8, 9, etc.?

by (1.4k points)

I would call this a bug. I’m guessing this is still an issue in the current versions of Paratext. Fixing it may be nearly impossible because of the way .Net stores user settings, so we may just end up changing the text of the message.

It should be safe to remove the Ptw7 Framework. It is not needed for later versions.


Actually, what is Ptw7, and why is it installed as a separate item?

0 votes

The Ptw7 Framework was needed because of the way that PT7 had to be installed. We don’t remember exactly why (it was a long time ago :yum:), but think it may have been something to do with the PUD update files that were used by PT7.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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