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Did a copy/save/backup/export of a project, and ended up with a directory of files, not zipped. Language code is “LAM”, and in the LAM/.hg/store/data subdirectory there are sets of “D” and “I” files for each book, e.g.:
41_m_a_t_l_a_m._s_f_m.d and 41_m_a_t_l_a_m._s_f_m.i

I haven’t been able to work out how to load/import/restore this set of files into Paratext on a different computer.

Thanks for any help.

Paratext by (105 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

You shouldn’t ever change anything in the .hg folder and shouldn’t ever delete files from that folder. Ever.

But forgetting about that part of your question, what are you trying to do? If all you want to do is get the LAM project to a different computer, using Send/Receive is usually the best option.

If that’s not viable for some reason, go to File–>Backup Project to File, save the resulting .zip file to a flash drive, transfer it, and use File–>Restore Project from File to restore that .zip file. You shouldn’t need to mess with the actual LAM folder at any point.

by (1.7k points)

Thanks so much for the input mnjames.

Part of the problem is that I can’t remember what I did to actually get
this set of files…was it an export/send/backup? A regular backup should
have generated a zip file, right? But that’s not what I have.

And the other part of the problem is that the laptop on which these files
were located has been lost, so I can’t redo the backup process to get a zip

So I am left with this set of files, but can’t find what operation is
needed to get them restored into Paratext.



In the LAM folder–the one that contains the .hg folder–are there .sfm or other data files? If those files aren’t there, then your data is likely lost.

The *.i and *.d files contain a history of changes to files but (I think) they require the files in the LAM folder as a base for their data. Without those original files the *.i and *.d (once again, I think) are useless.


You do have a copy of the LAM project on the Paratext 7 send/receive server
that was last updated in May 2017.

You should be able to use send/receive in Paratext 7 to get the project


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