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I have recently noticed that PT8 reference checking now expects that footnotes on headings, which come immediately before a verse number, to be marked as belonging to the following verse. For example the following footnote in the NIV is correct in Paratext 7:

\sp She\f + \fr 1:1 \ft The main male and female speakers ... are debatable.\f*
\v 2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth....

In PT8 the above gives the checking error

SNG 1:2 Caller in reference [1:2] but should be in [1:1]

In PT8 the correct reference is now 1:2. Did I miss an announcement? I like this behavior, however it means we now have many projects that have errors.

  • First I want to make sure this is a permanent change before we change a lot of projects.
  • Second I am wondering if there is a easy way for an administrator/archivist to identify projects that many need to be adjusted.
  • Finally I am wondering if this is a change that affects other aspects of PT checking or has other implications for marking up our text.
Paratext by (1.8k points)

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No, there was no announcement. It kinda goes back to how the dev team notifies users of changes that have been made for each patch. We don’t have a solution, yet, but are working on a way to create release notes for each patch that gets sent out.

Yes, this is a permanent change (one people have been wanting for years :grin:). Footnotes in section headings will now require the reference of the immediately-following verse number.

So far, this only affects the References Check.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Thank you. This is good news.

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