We just recently migrated a set of parallel Roman/Arabic script projects. Note that the parallel is “manual”, not a PT8 transliteration using Encoding Converter, so in a sense they are two independent projects, but with the same language code (shu). For one team member who only has the RS project, everything appears fine. For the two machines that have both the RS and AS projects, there is a weird use of the AS font (Scheherazade) for some of the functions in the RS project. The text itself appears fine in the main project window (using Times New Roman font), but if you Insert > Note…, all of a sudden it starts using Scheherazade font, and thinks that it is RTL:

image.png875×375 51 KB
Note the period at the left, but it was typed last. There are similar problems with texts that are displayed in the Biblical terms and Parallel passages tools. All of the language settings appear to be correct in Paratext (specifically not RTL).
In poking around, I found the shu.ldml file, which seems to contain language settings. It ends like this:
sil:external-resources<sil:font name=“Scheherazade” /><sil:font name=“Times New Roman” /></sil:external-resources>
Is that where it is getting Scheherazade to use in those tools? But why would it be using it, and why are things RTL? Can I just delete that element from the ldml file? Seems kind of dangerous to me, and doesn’t seem like it would address the RTL problem anyway. I’d appreciate any help you can give me.