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In Paratext 9.3 is it possible to:
print the wordlist from all books in my project into one file that I can put in alphabetical order?

print all the proper nouns (places and people names) into one list in alphabetical order?

Paratext by (116 points)

1 Answer

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You can open the wordlist, click on the ‘word’ heading to sort the terms alphabetically. Then hit Menu>Print. You can then save as an HTML doc that you could edit in MS Word, or you can click print to print the document out or you could try Print to PDF.

Proper names:
Doing this for proper names is a bit trickier. In the Biblical Terms tool, most proper names of people and places have the category “Name”. So you can click on the filter drop down, click New Filter and choose Category>Name (you could also add other categories like Fauna, etc.). So now the list only shows entries for names of people and places. Then you can print this list from the menu. I prefer printing to something like Microsoft Print to PDF. That isn’t going to catch every single proper name unless you’ve been diligent about adding these terms to your Biblical Terms list.

by (1.2k points)

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