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Here’s another challenge for someone - which is hopefully easy to solve.

In the screen-shot above the key term is theos and we have almost exclusively used “bagavantal” to render it. However, by putting in a [temporary] rendering of “yehova bagavanta*” I have found that we have INCORRECTLY used another key term 7 times out of the 1074 times that God should occur.

What is the most straight-forward way of finding those particular verses IN THIS CONTEXT so that I can change them?

Note that I can’t just search for the term as it will also find “yehova bagavanta*” in other places/terms where it is valid (for example when Kurios needs to be rendered as LORD).

So what I’m pointing out is that the Biblical Terms tool has a very useful feature of telling me how many matching occurrences I have of a particular rendering (just by hovering over the renderings part of the window), but that’s only partly helpful - as it doesn’t allow me to get to (or filter for) those [wrong] renderings in order to fix them. Usually this isn’t a big deal as you can easily remove wrong renderings from the list and search for the verses that don’t show one of the accepted renderings:

But in this particular case the wrong term (yehova bagavanta) contains the correct term (bagavanta).

Has anyone else come across this PT annoyance, and if so, how did you work around it?

Paratext by (2.7k points)

1 Answer

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Sounds like a feature request to turn those display counts into links that will filter for those in the Biblical Terms window. If it is counting them, it already found them. Now to display them…

But to answer your question (and I assume you knew the answer), you’d have to find all occurances of theos in the Greek and then use “Shared with list” in Find to keep only those with yehova bagavanta in the vernacular.

by [Moderator]
(1.3k points)


dhigby - that is a great idea. Just to expand a little, the issue is how to
get the right list to start. There may be a much easier way to do this, but
here is what I came up with.

The issue is that you want to start the Find with the references from the
Biblical Terms list (and not just all occurrences of the word). To get this
I did the following:

  1. Do a search for any word in the text and then save that list as a
    *.txt file (this is just to provide a “container” for the references from
    the Biblical Terms List)
  2. In the Biblical terms list add “God” to the project list and switch
    to the project list (if it is not already open)
  3. Use Edit > Edit Biblical Term to grab all of the references for the
    particular term
  4. Open the .txt file from earlier and replace the references with the
    ones from the Biblical Terms (save the file)
  5. Open that list in the List window (the references should all be
    there, but will be blank)
  6. Search for the “wrong” term for God and use “Shared with List”
  7. This should reduce the list of references down to the ones that have
    the wrong term

Simply you create the list that contains all the references from the BT
list and then share it with the ones that have the wrong rendering.

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