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Before migrating a PT 7.5 project to PT 8, I wanted to double-check on this.

All the reviewers’ and consultants’ notes made in PT 7.x will remain intact in PT 8, right? And the conversation threads for each note will still be visible, correct?

One reviewer inserted 18,000+ notes on the text of the OT, and we can’t afford to lose access to them.

Thank you!

Paratext by (238 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Notes are included in the migration process. The key is making sure that
the person doing the migration has received from all of the team members
before migration is done. The process does not remove the PT7 files so if
for some reason the migration has any issue you can delete the migrated
project from PT8 and redo the migration.

Americas Area Language Technology Coordinator
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Skype name: anon848905

by (8.1k points)

Thank you very much, anon848905.

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