While the are hard-wired to access thru Source Languages defined on
Paratext’s web site, you can make a particular text behave like a
resource/source language text by removing its edit capabilities. This
will prevent anyone from making changes to the newly defined source
language text once they have it on their computer in Paratext.
Open the project to be made into a source language.
Select Project > Project Properties and Settings…
Select the Advance tab.
Deselect the Editing Enabled check box.
Now the project will behave like a resource text.
From help in Paratext type in:
create a source language text
in the search box. Expand
How do I install a resource text created from a project?
topic for instructions on putting the “resource” to the resource text
Here are the help instructions.
To install resource XYZ, do the following:
1. Get the following resource files from the user who created the
resource text:
* XYZ.ssf
* XYZ.zip
* the language (.lds) file for the resource (for example,
* the versification (.vrs) file for the resource (for example,
* the stylesheet (.sty) for the resource (for example, usfm.sty)
2. Paste these files into the C:\stdtexts folder on your computer.
If any of these files already exist, do not overwrite them
unless you are sure you want to do so.
3. From the File menu in Paratext, select Install Resources....
4. If necessary, click Browse to locate the folder C:\stdtexts, and
then click OK.
5. Select the XYZ resource, and click OK.
If you already have project XYZ on your computer and you intend to
replace it with resource XYZ, you will need to delete project XYZ
before you install it as a resource.
NOTE that this will NOT place the resource text on the Partext web site.
Hope this helps you produce a resource text.
Global Publishing Services
Scripture Typesetter Trainer/RegEx specialist
Dallas TX
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