0 votes

I understand that since PT 7.6. we could change the name of a project. What is the current best practise, if we want to change the name, keep the history (including notes), and move to PT 8?


Paratext by (250 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

I have successfully converted several PT7.5 projects in PT8 without going via PT7.6 using the following method:

  1. Select Disable ALL Intenet use under Tools > Options… in PT8.
  2. Select the PT7.5 project to be converted under File > Open Project/Resource… in PT8.
  3. Migrate the project to PT8 without registering it.
  4. Use the Tools > Advanced > Convert Project… tool in PT8 to convert the Project short name.
  5. Select Allow normal Internet use under Tools > Options… in PT8, open the new, converted project, go to Project > Properties and Settings…, and click the Register button under the General tab to register the project.
by (346 points)

I am assuming that the reason that you turned off all Internet use was to keep Paratext from trying to register the project on the registry website?

Yes, I don’t want to register a project that I’m going to convert and then get rid of.

0 votes

I recommend “converting” the project with 7.6, then migrate the project with the new name to PT 8. Go to Tools–>Advanced–>:convert. It seems much easier to convert before migration, but Paratext 8 also has the convert function.

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)
0 votes

I am trying to change the short name of a project in Paratext 8 using Tools|Advanced|Convert project. I get the error ‘The conversion of the project failed. Unable to create junction point.’ Any ideas?

I looked for a way of downloading Paratext 7.6, but it doesn’t seem to be available.

There are a few projects in my group that would like to change the short names, so I’m trying to find a general solution, and to see if it is best done before or after migration to PT8.

by (119 points)

Is the project data stored on a FAT32 disk?
It needs to be a NTFS disk for Convert Project to work.

One can tell by:
START -> Computer -> Right click on Local Disk (C:) -> Properties.
If the file system label doesn’t say “NTFS” but “FAT32” then its caused by this.

Thanks, this is really helpful. The project is on an encrypted partition using FAT32, but the C: drive is NTFS, so we can just move and convert.

Why would this make a difference? I tried to convert two projects on a recent trip to Mozambique and failed. I am back in USA now so I cannot check this on the computers there in Mozambique.

Its makes a difference because the convert project process uses Junction Points / symlinks (so the convert project process isn’t even slower than it is already). Junction Points aren’t available on FAT32 file systems.

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