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(Asked by Malachi James)

Our footnote caller uses a character (؂, U+0602) which is not in our project font. In Paratext it still displays correctly, telling me that Paratext does not use the project font for footnote callers. However when I send it to PrintDraft it fails, obviously using the project font and putting squares where U+0602 appears.

I would like to change the font in Paratext since the system assigned choice is quite unattractive and some of our users report it doesn’t display correctly (the Arabic footnote marker does underline the numbers), but this is less important.

I would like to change the font in PrintDraft–this is of primary importance right now.

I’ve tried redefining the font name for \f, the footnote marker, in “custom.sty”. This will change the font within the entire footnote at the bottom of the page but will not change the font of the footnote caller.

Paratext by (646 points)

1 Answer

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(anon451647 writes)

Possible options:

  1. Use a different footnote caller for the draft, change it to the desired caller when you are ready to typeset in PubAssist.

  2. Contact [Email Removed] and ask for help in creating a font that includes this character, sometimes this is easy and sometimes it is not.

  3. Try using http://pathway.sil.org/. This is under active development and they may be willing to make a modification to meet your need or perhaps it already works.

  4. Sadly no one on the Paratext team has any significant XeTeX experience to be able help you with mods to XeTeX as used by Print Draft. However there is discussion group you could join that has people that might be able to help. I think if you emailed here [Email Removed].org they could tell you how to subscribe.

by (646 points)
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