0 votes
Interested to know if there is an OS X version of PTX Print in the works?   I saw the new paratext software that is in MAC version and thought it would be natural that PTX print would also be updated to work on that platform?
related to an answer for: Question: Mac users of Paratext
Paratext by (110 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
In recent months we have confirmed that PTXprint runs fine on MacOS, but we're still awaiting help from someone to package it all up so that it is also straightforward for ordinary Mac users to install. So, yes, it's coming. But don't ask when!
by (2.7k points)
Please sign me up as a beta tester! I'm an avid mac user and have lots of experience of beta testing software and giving feedback, would love to help as you progress.  
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1 Corinthians 12:13
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