0 votes
In addition to printing the current version of the vernacular text our team will be reviewing, I want to print the text as it was originally drafted. I've saved the text and can see differences in Compare versions window but would like to print it without changes indicated.

Paratext ago by (224 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
I think this is possible by creating a copy of the project, using "Convert Project" (in the project menu > Project > Advanced). Name the new version e.g. "XXX old". The copy will contain the original project's history. You can then revert the copy to the point in history you would like to print, and from there you can do anything with it - print, typeset etc.

NB The new project will be shared with the same users as the old one; you may want to remove them (or block editing rights) to avoid confusion.

ago by (505 points)
Thank  you, Paulus. I did this and it worked. The process of converting, however, took about 5-6 hours, to my surprise.
Yes - user Convert Project might have been overkill for this.
Instead I suspect one could have just done:
1. Close down PT.
2. Copy the project to "XXX old" (in File Explorer)
3. Edit Settings.xml in XXX old (Both Name element +GUID element)
4. Restart PT
5. "revert the copy to the point in history you would like to print"
0 votes
You could:

1) Mark your current point in history.

2) Use the Compare window to copy all the old text and paste it over the top of your current draft (this may need to be done chapter by chapter)

3) Print

4) Revert back to the version you saved in #1
ago by (1.8k points)
Yes, I had in mind something like this but was wondering if there were a simpler option.
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