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I was finally able to get the Logos window to follow Paratext by following these instructions. However, I’m still not able to make Paratext follow Logos. any ideas? I’d like to sync the two programs in such a way that either one would follow the lead of the other.
I’m using Paratext and my Logos version is 7.4 SR-1

Paratext by (252 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Greetings, anon233143. The issue has been solved in ParaTExt 8. I can sync the two programs and either one would follow the other – using ParaTExt 8.0.53 and Logos 7.5 RC 1 ( FYI, ParaTExt uses the “COM API” to interact with Logos.

by (139 points)

Just for the record, it works for me with PT 7.5 / Logos 7 (you don’t necessarily need to upgrade to 8). I do have to open Logos first and PT second, though…

0 votes

Thanks everyone. I got it working now. It was simply an issue of restarting and making sure Logos starts first, as Paul suggested. … Now I just need to figure out a way to do the same with BibleWorks

by (252 points)

Cool! Glad it works for you now. Sorry I can’t help with BibleWorks…

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