0 votes

How do I add a short attribution phrase on the bottom right of the front cover image? I want it to say Designed by Freepik. Here is the image for reference:

Thanks, Crockett

related to an answer for: How to use the "Cover" tab?
PTXprint by (108 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

Could you just include that on the verso page, rather than on the cover itself?

If you really want the text on the image, then you could do something like this in the Front Matter section that defines the front cover matter:

\periph front|id="coverfront"
\mt1 \zvar|maintitle\*
\mt2 \zvar|subtitle\*
\mt3 \zvar|author\*
\qr Designed by Freepik
\periph spine|id="coverspine"
... etc.

Make sure you set the style for \qr to be the right color (white?) and adjust the \zgap values (creating vertical space) to make it sit at just the right place.

by (2.7k points)
Main Title up in Top Right Corner
0 votes

Regarding Mark's anwser, I'd put the (infinite stretch) \vfill above the statement, to push it to the bottom.
I think you should probably say "Cover background image designed by freepic" rather than just "designed by freepic", as that might be taken by someone to mean it's talking about the whole cover or even the whole book.

Unfortunately, as the parameters are set totally differently, there's not much sharing of code between normal figures and the background images for sidebars/covers.
Thus, there's currently no way to set the copyright overlay that you can for normal images.

by (885 points)
Thanks. Yes, we did change the wording for the Freepik image. Good idea. I was going by what they suggested, but it is misleading.

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