0 votes
this is my first time using ptx print but I'm finding it fairly straightforward. However, despite selecting Book (/h) to show on the center header, it won't. I've got a feeling this has something to do with the way things are formatted in the Paratext project, but I don't know. All my research hasn't revealed anything.

Additionally, we'd like to add a small image/logo to the title page and copyright page. But I can't see any way to do this. I'm getting the feeling that for this sort of thing you'd need indesign, not ptx print. Long story but indesign isn't playing well with macOS/parallels/windows 11/ARM and I'm over it. So if ptx print can't do it, we'll just not do it . . . or I'll just add the image to the pdf through Mac (very easy to do in the preview app). Thanks for any help.
PTXprint by (155 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
So I figured out the header issue. I wasn't using \h in the text as necessary. So that issue is resolved. But I'm still stumped as to why selecting 'Start 1st chapter on a New Page' doesn't do exactly that. I've used /imte to add the book name between the introduction and text. I've tried using \ie, thinking this might signal the end of the intro and beginning of the book but ptx print doesn't seem to recognize or do anything with that.
by (155 points)
Interestingly, another user mentioned to me that this feature wasn't working for him. But when he turned off the setting to show "Book Introductions" and then later turned it back on, the feature to start ch 1 on a new page suddenly started working. So there is quite likely an intermittent bug there that we need to dig into further -- but hopefully this gives you a workaround.
+1 vote

I am not sure what might be different in your setup, but having just tested this on a simple USFM file like the one shown here, it seems to be working as expected:

My understanding is that it is simply looking for \c 1 and breaking the page there.

by (2.7k points)
+1 vote

Regarding images and logos for the front matter. Yes, everything is possible. Take a look at slides 257-262 in this set of slides. If you still have specific questions after reviewing that material, feel free to ask for clarification.

by (2.7k points)
This is perfect. Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you. One more question as I'm still searching the slide. Is it possible to have the first verse reference of the page on the outer header margin of the left page and the last verse reference on the outer header margin of right page, as bibles tend to do?
Yes, if you just choose "Last Reference" for the Outer (Right) header [of the Right-hand page], it is smart enough to guess that you want the "First Reference" on the opposite [i.e. Left-hand] page. However, you may also need to enable "Mirror Pages" on the Layout tab.
Fantastic. You've really saved me a lot. Very grateful. Thank you.

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