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Greetings all,

We are trying to get the poetry word "Selah" to be right aligned even though it is on the same line at the end of a phrase that is left aligned or justified. It is within the Paratext marker \qs \qs* (poetry text - Selah)... As shown below:

Test text with "\qs Selah \qs*"

We thought that setting the alignment to right (droite) would/should do the trick. But to no avail.

Right alignment of \qs style

We still see the following...

PTXprint Publication result

Is there something we are missing?



PTXprint by (109 points)
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2 Answers

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Best answer

Here's a better answer:

- In the advanced tab, select "Apply Customized Settings (ptxprint-mods.tex)" and then click the edit button next to it

- On the right of the text editor is a column of buttons, press the Tweaks button and choose "Move the qr word up to the previous line (if space permits)" and PTXprint will add text to the text edit window.

- Given you are using qs over qr, change qs to qr in the 2 places it occurs in the text

- hit print and rejoice :)

(Thanks Mark)

by (380 points)
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Ahh, OK great! So, I changed qr to qs for my needs... From the Tweak description, I didn't automatically interpret that to mean right aligning the qr text.
Thanks Mark!
0 votes
The short answer is to add the following snippet to your ptxprint-mods.tex (See the Advanced tab):


For details of how this works, etc. see the file [https://github.com/sillsdev/ptx2pdf/blob/master/docs/documentation/snippets.md#move-the-qr-word-up-to-the-end-of-previous-line-if-space-permits]
by (380 points)
Note that snippet is two lines long. Each line starts with a \, everything else is linewrapping from this site.
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