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I have "Consultant" permission for the BT of a project I'm doing some checking with. This morning, my S/R results box said that I had made changes to "Properties and Settings," and I have no idea why. I have not made any changes to Properties and Settings, nor could I: I don't have the permission to do so. This is the second time it's happened; the first time was with a different project, but the same scenario. What could have caused this? Is it a known and innocuous glitch, or cause for concern? (I can't imagine why anyone would want to hack my PT just to make changes in an obscure BT project, but I do want to make sure it's not a security issue.) 

Paratext by (122 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hola Amanda.

Sometimes Paratext will mark a point in the history regarding some of its parts when opening that option even if no changes are made. As in this case of Properties and Settings. Personally I have had it happen to me that it marks the use of some tool that I used the last time I opened the program.
I would consider it innocuous.

by (887 points)
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