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Hi all,

I have an old project that we're starting again. Yesterday, everything was going well until I updated users and tried to do a send/receive with bad internet.

When I click on the book permissions or other roles, everything looks fine.

The translators get a message that it looks like they've been removed from the project. I've tried deleting my local project and redownloading. I can't get this box to fill in for this project.

I looked at the XML files for user roles and I don't see anything strange. In the Registry, everything looks fine, and a user added via the registry and it showed up in the XML, but the window is still blank.

I'm in PT, the translators are on .6.

Paratext by (231 points)
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1 Answer

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So, I found the solution.

The next time I opened Paratext and the Users tool, it gave me this error:

So I looked there and found a book called *** under a user that didn't continue after Paratext 7.

I've corrected the XML file manually...

...and now it seems to work.

by (231 points)
There was a bug in the send/receive server code that was causing the book codes in the ProjectUserAccess.xml file to be lost when user updates were done through the registry server.

The bug has been fixed, but some project data could still have the problem in it. We will try to clean this up, but it may take a while.
Thanks John. Data corruption from S/R is so rare in PTX that I was quite surprised. Thank you also to the PTX team, as the error message that I eventually got is SUPER specific and very helpful.

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