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Hi Paratext experts

I'm trying to check and track recurring vocabulary in the Psalms (e.g. splendor, majesty, fortress, etc). I thought I could use a biblical terms terms list for this (a separate list to the one associated with the project). I made a new list by exporting an existing one, renaming it, editing to make it empty, then importing it in the Biblical Terms tool. That all worked ok, but with the new list open in the tool, the menu item Add Biblical Term is not available. So my new list is no use.

Is this way of using the Biblical Terms tool possible? Is there a better way to do it?

Thanks a lot

Paratext by (112 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

One way to accomplish this would be to create an auxiliary copy of the project and then create the project terms list for the auxiliary. Then when you are in your project you should be able to choose the list from the auxilary project.

Here is a quick (updated) video 

by (8.3k points)
edited by
Note that when I created the auxiliary project I added books with chapter/verse so that the BT tool would work correctly.
Thanks Phil, this is a clever way to do it. Thanks for the idea and video.
In the video, the dialog boxes don't show for me, so it's hard to know what you're doing. I'm using Firefox on a Mac, if that makes any difference, but I suspect that it's something in the video creation process.

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