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Hello. I have problem associating PT project with FLEX project.

I wonder how can I match language IDs.

As you can see below, both FLEX and PT projects have Nepali language. PT project has Nepali (npi) and FLEX has Nepali(macrolanguage) ne.

In this case, how can I match them?

Another projects I'm testing to associate seem to have the same language ID, Laz (lzz-TR), but it has the same language ID issue. All your suggestions or advice is welcomed.

Paratext by (106 points)

2 Answers

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As ne the other related answer, the language codes must be exactly the same. Not only in the initial 3 letters, but in any character that follows.

In your image about the ZTO project, in Paratext the code is "npi", but in Flex it is "ne".
Note that the field that must match in Flex is not the "Abreviation" field but what follows after "Code".

For the LZZ project, it looks like you do have the same code "lzz-TR", for Paratext and Flex. Did you close Paratext and reopen it to make the association? It has happened to me that if I change something in the vernacular language setting in Flex, I have to close and reopen Paratext so that it actually reads the change.

To check again, you can define which language code they will keep. If it will be the one in Paratext, then for the change in Flex you can 1) look for the exact matching language code (with dashes and extra letters):


or 2) use the "Advanced" option to add extra settings. 
As an example, we had a case where we could not use the "con" language code because of conflicts with Windows. To solve this we used the advanced options and added variations to the language in "Other Variants".
This could be the case for your second project:

If you need to change the language in Paratext, this can be done by an Administrator from the Web:

I hope it will be useful.


by (885 points)
0 votes

FYI, I have associated these two project with PT 9.3 so I uninstalled PT 9.4 and reinstalled 9.3.

Now it works ok as you can see below. 

by (106 points)
I don't see a problem associating a PT project in 9.4 and a FLEx project with language code lzz-TR. As Pepe says, if you change the  language code in FLEx, you  need to restart Paratext to have the change  show up.
screenshot in this link:
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