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We have a Paratext Project that has a local FLEx project associated with it. The FLEx project is not being shared.
There are TC’s who want to see thigns like the key Terms list but can’t because they do not have the FLEx Project.

The team is not actually making use of the FLEx association, at least not that they know of. If the team were to remove the association with FLEx, what would break?
I’m trying to figure out if we need to get the FLEx project up on LD, and then get the project onto the TC’s computer. I do not think the TCs currently have FLEx installed. This is somewhat related to
Paratext and FLEx: If projects are associated, must everyone have the FLEx project - Questions - Paratext Supporter Site

Paratext by (476 points)

1 Answer

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Removing the association won’t break anything for those that don’t have the project.

For the person who has the project, the “Find in Dictionary” and “Find related words” menu options will no longer be available. If they were doing interlinear work, some of the glossing choices they have made will not be found.

Also, if they are accessing the Scripture text in FLEx, that access will no longer work.

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