I have a project where the asterisk is used as the main footnote caller. But in some specific cases (when it’s the second footnote in the same verse) there should be two asterisks. So the plain SFM looks the following:
\p \v 1 Civîna Entakyayêda çend p'êxember û dersdar hebûn, Barnabas, Şimh'ûnê ku jêr'a Nîgêr\f + \fr 13:1 \ft «Nîgêr» jî çawa «merivê ç'ermê r'eş» tê fe'mkirinê.\f* digotin, Lûkyoyê ji Kûrênê, Menayînê ku t'evî Hêrodesê%f serwêr\f ** \fr 13:1 \ft Eva Hêrodesa, awa gotî Hêrodes-Antîpas, serwêrê Celîlê bû (\xt Lûqa 3:1\xt*).\f* mezin bibû û Şawûl.
This is how it looks in Paratext Preview mode and how I want it to look in PDF:
The first footnote looks OK, but the second one is incorrect:
- one asterisk instead of two in the text
- in the footnotes section the second asterisk is different and separated with a space.
On the View+Edit > Final SFM tab I see that the second footnote marker has been changed:
\f * \asterisk\space
I know that this file can’t be edited in PTXprint, but the original Paratext file is formatted correctly! I tried t use “Advanced > Apply Changes.txt (and PrintDraftChanges.txt) > Edit” function, added a string to substitute \f * \asterisk\space with \f **
"\\f .\\asterisk\\space" > "\\f \\*\\*"
But the result is the same. Is there a way to render this custom caller correctly, like in Paratext?