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In Paratext 8.0 (and later), you can create a test project on one of three different servers.

  • Production (normal usage) - The production server is the default server. If you use the production server for test projects, please begin the short name with "zz" to let those who maintain the server easily know which projects are test projects.
  • Quality assurance - The quality assurance server is the server where changes are tested before making them part of the production server.
  • Development - The development server is the preferred server for the creation of test projects. Any project created on the development server will be consider a junk project.

Before creating the test project, make sure you are on the server where you want to create the project.
To switch to another server:

  1. While holding down the Shift key, click the main menu icon, then from the Paratext menu, point to Support and development, and then point to Paratext servers.
  2. From the menu that appears, select one of the server options.
    If you select the quality assurance server or the development server, words at the upper left of the Paratext title bar will indicate that you are using that server.

Once the server is selected, it will not be lost by resetting Paratext.

Paratext by [Expert]
(733 points)


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Update: in 9.0 and later, the “Paratext servers” menu option is accessed by holding Shift and opening the main (top level) menu, then going to “Support and Development”.

by [Expert]
(3.0k points)

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