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You can either add a pre-defined canon or create a new canon for a project if:

  • You are the administrator for the project, or
  • You are a consultant on the project,

To add a pre-defined canon:

  1. From the Project menu, select Project Canons....
  2. Click Add Canon....
  3. From the Type of Project (range) drop-down, select the option that contains the same books as the project.
    (If there is not an exact match, select the option that is the most similar.)
  4. From the Biblical Tradition (order) drop-down, select the option that reflects the same order of books as the project.
  5. Click Add.
  6. On the General tab, answer the questions about the name, abbreviation, and description of the canon (both in English and in the language of the project).
  7. Optional: On the Book tab, change the book order.
    (Click the double-headed arrow to the left of a book and drag the book to where it belongs.)
  8. Click OK to close the Edit Canon dialog.
  9. Click OK to close the Canons dialog.

To add a new canon:

  1. From the Project menu, select Project Canons....
  2. Click Add Canon....
  3. Click Start with Empty Canon.
  4. On the General tab, answer the questions about the name, abbreviation, and description of the canon (both in English and in the language of the project).
  5. On the Books tab, click Add Books....
  6. Select the books you want in the project, and click OK to add the selected books.
  7. Specify the order in which the books will occur.
    (Click the double-headed arrow to the left of a book and drag the book to where it belongs.)
  8. Click OK to close Edit Canon dialog.
  9. Click OK to close Canons dialog.

If you need to modify a canon, click Edit Canon….

If you no longer need a canon, click Remove Canon….

:checkicon: A project can have multiple canons if the project is for an area where different traditions expect the books to be in a different order.
For a project with more than one canon, you can select which will be the default canon. Click Make this the Default Canon (below the list of books for a canon) to select a canon as the default canon.
The label “Default” appears in the upper right of a canon to indicate which canon is the default at the moment.

:informationicon: See also:

  • What is a project canon?
Paratext by [Expert]
(734 points)


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