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My wife is using Paratext  She tried to look at the last three entries in KTOTSLD release 8 (The Person, Sacrifice and Shame) and nothing comes up in the adjacent window.  The previous entry of "Patronage" does appear correctly.  She knew something should be there because she could view the entries in Logos which had release 7 of KTOT. I tested the problem in Paratext 9.4 beta and the entries do not display there as well.

I then tried to reproduce the problem on my computer and discovered that I could see the final three entries.  But I had not updated KTOT so it was still on release 6.  I installed the latest version (release 8) and discovered to my surprise that the final three entries were displaying their contents correctly.  I then checked my version of Paratext and found out that I am using Paratext  So, it seems to have been working in earlier versions of Paratext, but has stopped working in later versions.  If one else is encountering this problem then I will continue to examine our configurations to see what could be causing these entries to not display their contents.
Paratext by (119 points)

1 Answer

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Carl - if you have not already done so, please us the Help > Give Feedback in Paratext to report this issue.
by (8.4k points)

I see the same thing. Issue posted to Youtrack: PTX-23729

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Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:46-47
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