0 votes

I'm with a team with a marker error, (which I also have in my own project:)

We want to use the \mr marker to mark out \mr (Kʊjʊʊ́ 10.11 - 21.35)

This is referring to the current book rather than another book, so using the actual book name would seem strange. I asked the team why they thought it was necessary, and they said it is a help to new readers, rather than just to have \mr (10.11 - 21.35)

Kʊjʊʊ́  is the word for chapter, rather than a book name, so PT rejects this as a scripture reference error.


Paratext by (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

You can get this in the "Extra Material" option inside Scripture Reference Settings.

By clicking on the Project menu - Project Settings - Scripture Reference Settings you will get the image below.

Notice the red line, my reference is recognizing well the term you indicate because it was configured in Extra Material. 

Note: In Extra Material there is a space after the term "Kʊjʊʊʊ́ ". This is so that Paratext recognizes that this term goes before the reference. You can see more explanations of the use of this option in the part I highlight in yellow:


by (887 points)
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