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I’m trying to setup a Windows 11 machine to automatically start a Paratext Live Server but am not haing much success.
I can start Paratext Live Server if I open the command prompt and go to c:\program files\paratext 9 and run paratext.exe /paratextliveserver

But if I attempt to create a shortcut with “C:\Program Files\Paratext 9\Paratext.exe /paratextliveserver” I get a message that the name specified in the target box is not valid.
Has something changed in Paratext 9.3? I am trying to do what was said in this post How do I start a local dedicated Paratext Live server? - Helps - Paratext Supporter Site


Paratext by (476 points)

1 Answer

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I tried this on a Windows 10 machine, but I got the same error as you when I used your placement of quotes. However, when I closed the quotes after .exe, it worked all right:
"C:\Program Files\Paratext 9\Paratext.exe" /paratextliveserver
I hope this helps for Windows 11, too.

by (834 points)

Thank you for noticing that. Putting the end quote after paratext.exe worked. And machine is Windows 11.

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