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How can I export the TOC as a list without having to go in a copy/paste each item? Is this possible?

Paratext by (207 points)

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One way is to use this Regex: search in the find dialog:
You can then save the list as a text file.

by (8.1k points)

Hi anon848905. That works well. I should have actually asked, “Is there a way to export the Scripture reference settings → Book List?” We don’t have books for some of the listed books so the regex for \toc misses those.

If you go to the project folder there should be a file called booknames.xml. This should give you what you are asking for. The format looks like this:

  <book code="GEN" abbr="Gén." short="Génesis" long="Li Hu Génesis" />
  <book code="EXO" abbr="Ex." short="Éxodo" long="Li Hu Éxodo" />
  <book code="LEV" abbr="Lev." short="Levítico" long="Li Hu Levítico" />

As always - be very careful doing any editing in any xml file if you are not sure what you are dong.

Hi anon848905.
This was really helpful. Thanks!

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