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PNG used to promote translating an “Old Testament Panorama” as an early goal in a project. I would like to see the list of references included in this panorama excerpt. Can someone please send me the list or a link to it? Off-list is fine.

Thank you!

Paratext by (630 points)

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Hi KimB,

There’s a document in Logos / TW with the title:

SIL International. (1995). Old Testament Selections: A Help for Those Who Are Planning a Shorter Old Testament. SIL International.

It presents four approaches:
40 percent Selection for OT (UBS:Smalley)
27 percent Selection for OT (PNG)
10 percent Selection for OT (AAIB)
NTM Chronological Teaching Selections

Of the 27% OT (PNG) it says, “This is the second revision of the S.I.L Old Testament Panorama. It has been revised, expanded, and given a different format.”

We started with the 40% UBS OT, but when the translators came back with the drafts of the first books they had chosen, they had done everything! Their reason? “We just couldn’t leave stuff out!” They’ve stuck with the 100% OT since then. :slight_smile:


by (615 points)
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Thanks, Paul. This is exactly what I was looking for. I do agree with you that leaving stuff out is not ideal, but we’re thinking that a “selection” might help our teams prioritize on the book/chapter level, making episodes/topics available sooner.

I think several teams are leaning toward doing the Sunday Liturgical Readings, working through the upcoming “Year” first, etc. See Aids for translating the RC Sunday Readings passages?

However… before I reinvent the wheel, has anyone already prepared any of these selections in Paratext Module format? It’s not too hard to extract ref’s and add headings, etc, from this TW article but if it has already been done I’d be very happy.


by (630 points)

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