I can think of a couple of ways that you could do this:
Option 1: Open the BookNames.xml file from your project folder using a right-click and then selecting “Open with…”. Then select Excel (if you have it) and then you might get a dialogue like this:

If you pick “As an XML list” then you should end up with a list in Excel that resembles something like this:

And you should be able to copy-and-paste whichever column that you need.
Option 2: I have a tool/process which helps people generate a Topical Index from a Google Spreadsheet. Part of the set-up for that process requires the Paratext book names in a list - so there is a simple way to upload-&-import them into a Google spreadsheet. If you just use steps 2 and 3 from these instructions, then you will get the same information (as above) in the “Start Here” tab of the Google sheet, from where you can copy-and-paste it elsewhere.

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