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Update: Skip all my text, quick solution: stop PT and re-launch

I just came back from some travel, so have been off PT for a few weeks. In such moments, you notice things.

This morning I noticed that I cannot “normally” use my mouse wheel to scroll through local translation drafts nor through resources:

Each tiny tick of my mouse wheel produces roughly the equivalent of hitting “the one-screen-down (or up)” on my keyboard. In other words, it moves the content a lot.

In all other tools, my mouse wheel behaves normally. For example here in this browser-based forum-editor. So you can imagine, that I am used to just rolling and the content would naturally move up or down. It is very hard to force myself to give the wheel just one tiny tick in PT.

So I double checked my settings for the mouse and checked in other editors: There the wheel behaves as expected, about one or two lines per mini-click.

I even doubted my mouse (shame) for a moment (because it is a Kensington trackball). So I grabbed a totally mainstream good ole optical Logitech mouse, and had exactly the same behaviour, both in PT and in my other tools: Others work well, PT jerks on each mini-tick.

I also searched through PT settings, if there is a configuration for scrolling. There are many help-entries about scrolling (as it is so important to scroll in synch…). And when I search for “mouse wheel” I get taken to the keyboard shortcuts, but in there could not find any entry on how to tell PT to take it easy with the scroll wheel and give me one or two lines rather than an entire window per mini-tick.

After so many years on a computer, there are many manipulations that have become part of me, like using many keyboard-shortcuts, toggling between tools, scrolling. So having one tool that behaves distinctly different in one aspect is a challenge; maybe you can understand.

Feels like a bug, but I always like to ask in a forum, before submitting anything as drastic as a bug-report or new feature-request.

Thank you for any input.

presently using PT on a Win 10pro machine with most updates: Version 21H2 build 19044.1826

Paratext by (855 points)

1 Answer

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I had some other reason to shut down PT and look at some style sheets (just looking) and re-launch. Now my mouse wheel is showing normal behaviour (yeah) in PT, like in all other tools.

So this was a glitch, or what is the correct term for “one level less than a bug”?

Since PT did behave normally in all other aspects, it did not occur to me to try the proven method of “shut it down, take it apart, clean it, assemble and re-start” (oops, that one is for non-virtual reality) or just “shut it down and launch again”.

User is happy and is back to normal work. I can leave this here and mark as solved, in case it glitches other users some day.

by (855 points)

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