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There are notes with a specific tag that are unassigned, but I’d like to assign ALL if them to a particular team member. I’ve reassigned several individually, but would now like to do the rest in one fell swoop. Is that possible within Paratext 9.2, or do I have to use an XML editor?

I’ve never edited an XML, but another thread recommended Notepad++, so I suppose I’d try that.

Too bad “User Defined Language file to be used with Notepad++ for syntax highlighting USFM text files…is compatible with USFM 2.40 but does not support the new tags and syntax in USFM 3.0” (GitHub - DavidHaslam/USFM: User Defined Language file to be used with Notepad++ for syntax highlighting USFM text files)

Paratext by (130 points)

2 Answers

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I’m following this discussion.
Could you just tell this team member to filter the notes for the unassigned ones and do all of them? That may be a little much if it is a newer computer user, but it might work.

by (176 points)
0 votes

If you have not edited in XML, I would suggest that assignment of notes is NOT a good place to start.

It is a more complicated thing than just making a single change somewhere in one XML file.

If you look at your My Paratext 8 (or9) projects file listing, you will see that there are Notes files for every team member, and those notes files contain the relationship between the note creator, the assigned person, any other people who have chimed in on a note, so what we think of as one note has tendrils in all of those files.

If no expert chimes in on this thread to say “here’s how to change these 5 notes at once” then I suggest you make it as a suggestion using Give Feedback, Make a Suggestion about Paratext in Paratext from the Main Menu. Many times when I have made a suggestion, the expert who answers my suggestion by email gives me hints on how to solve my problem.

by (209 points)

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